Reasons to Choose a Rhinologist for Advanced Frontal Sinus Surgery in Seattle and Tacoma
Jan 08, 2024

Frontal sinusitis can cause considerable discomfort and not only impact quality of life but also can lead to dangerous complications. Fortunately, advances in sinus surgery have enabled specialists like Dr. Greg Davis, MD, MPH to provide patients with less invasive and highly effective treatments for this challenging condition.

The Complexity of Frontal Sinusitis

The frontal sinuses are located behind the forehead with complex anatomy surrounding them. The frontal sinuses lie in between the eyes and just in front of the brain. Modern endoscopic approaches are less invasive than traditional approaches, but safely reaching the frontal sinuses can be difficult. Many general ENT surgeons do not operate on the frontal sinuses because of the added complexity of these sinuses.

The Expertise of a Rhinologist in Managing Frontal Sinusitis

Frontal sinusitis treatment requires expertise in the surgical approaches to this intricate area. A rhinologist is a specialist who focuses exclusively on disorders of the nose and sinuses. Dr. Greg Davis is a sinus sub-specialist, which means he has additional training and expertise in treating sinus conditions. His training allows him to perform advanced sinus surgery techniques that can address even the most challenging cases of frontal sinusitis.

Cutting-Edge Endoscopic Frontal Sinus Surgery Techniques

Dr. Davis has the experience to handle simple frontal sinus issues to those that require extended endoscopic frontal sinus surgery, such as the Draf 3 endoscopic drill-out procedure. This technique allows for extensive clearance and drainage of the frontal sinuses without the need for external incisions. For patients who have had previous sinus surgeries but continue to experience problems, Dr. Davis also specializes in revision endoscopic frontal sinus surgery as well as complicated frontal sinus conditions such as mucoceles—mucus-filled cysts that can expand and erode the bone—and tumors within the frontal sinus. His expertise allows him to address these issues with precision, minimizing the risks and enhancing patient outcomes.

These endoscopic methods are less invasive alternatives to traditional open procedures such as frontal sinus obliterations, which can be riskier and require longer recovery periods.


See Sinus Specialist for Frontal Sinusitis

Residents of Seattle and Tacoma, WA suffering from frontal sinusitis have access to one of the leading experts in the field. If you are dealing with persistent sinus problems, don't hesitate to Contact Us. Take the first step towards finding relief and schedule your appointment today with the top sinus specialist who can provide you with the care you deserve.

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